Alan Friedman now a featured writer for "Music Inc."

Alan Friedman is now a featured writer in Music Inc. Magazine, one ofthe premier trade publications in the music product retailing industry. For the past five years, Alan has written several articlesfor the “Think Tank” section of the magazine.

Due to Alan’s increasing popularity, Music Inc. started a column
entitled “Ask Alan” in August 2003. Readers can now write directly toAlan to ask for his advice on a specific topic of interest pertaining
to any financial aspect of music retailing.

All of Alan’s articles cover current topics on music instrument and product retailing including inventory management,
technology developments, special accounting and tax issues,and cash flow management, to name a few. The following is a
listing of Alan’s latest articles and information on how to obtain a subscription to Music Inc. magazine.  

CLICK HERE for a complete listing of all Music Inc. articles wirtten by Alan Friedman

Music Inc. magazine is a “must” for every music instrument and product retailer. To obtain a subscription to
Music Inc. magazine, contact them at:

Music Inc. Magazine
102 N. Haven Road

Elmhurst, IL 60126-2932

Tel: (630) 941-2030
Fax: (630) 941-3210

Contact: Mike Matray, Assoc. Editor