Retail Boot Camp

Are You Ready for 2014?

Get focused on sales, Internet marketing and profitability

Want to boost store traffic, cash flow and sales? Recharge your website? Pump up business with a few killer social media promotions? Then get ready for Retail Boot Camp!

Join us on Wednesday, January 22 at the Anaheim Hilton, California A and B ballrooms on the second floor, for the best intensive one-day training for your business. It’s all part of the 2014 NAMM Show””and it’s free to members.

Retail Boot Camp cuts straight to the pain of running a music retail store in this age of technology. You’ll be armed with ideas to succeed in the new way of doing business. If you’ve already been through a Retail Boot Camp, we have a new program with industry experts and a hands-on, down-and-dirty focus.

This Boot Camp is for everyone in music retail””owners, managers, salespeople. Bring your whole team, and get ready for 2014.

8:30 a.m.”“9 a.m.: Registration and refreshments
9 a.m.”“5 p.m.: Retail Boot Camp (lunch served at noon)