Singer/Songwriter Teresa teams up with Linda Ronstadt to release new album "The Playground"

We warmly welcome new client and old-time friend Teresa to our family of talented musicians. Teresa, a Nashville singer/songwriter/guitarist is also a recipient of the NACA Entertainer of the Year Awardbased on the unending popularity she’s gained from her recent national tour of college venues. She has two previously
released albums, but has just released her third album which represents her most ambitious work to date. The album is produced by Teresa’s long-time musical hero, Linda Ronstadt, and contains several tracks of Linda singing background vocals.

Many years ago, Teresa and firm member Alan Friedman used to share the stage together in an early-eighties, Hartford-based
rock band called Storm (all-weather rock). Teresa, the band’s lead vocalist, left Hartford in the late eighties to
pursue her musical career in Nashville. She’s earned a respected reputation in Nashville for her tenacity and hard-work as
a talented singer and songwriter. We have all the faith in the world that Teresa will prove to be one of the most creative
talents to “make it” on both the Nashville and national music scene.